Daily Archives: June 29, 2011

Obama 2012 campaigns turns to Twitter,Facebook

New Energy:President Obama campaign team embark on social media to reach voters

US President Barack Obama campaign strategy has moved a notch higher to use the social media Facebook and Twitter.

Obamma has more than 9milliom Twitter Followers according to Yahoo news. The US President who used email messages in the last campaigns to be elected is urging his supporters to declare “I’m in” a new campaign slogan.

“The successful campaign is going to be one that integrates all the various elements of the digital channel — email, text, website, mobile apps, and social networks — together as one digital program and also mixing the digital program together with the offline reality of field organizations,” Joe Rospars, the Obama campaign’s chief digital strategist is quoted by AP to have said.

With Facebook users heading to the one billion mark and Twitter catching up more leaders may turn up to the use of these news media.

Yesterday Pope tweeted for the first time, when he announced the launch of a Vatican news information portal.